08 Jun 2020

A Hard Day’s Night - lessons from lockdown

Over the lockdown period, the ratio of government debt to national income in the UK has reached levels last seen when the Beatles first hit the charts. The period has been a helter skelter for many finance and treasury teams who have had to take swift action to support their balance sheets until trading can return to more normal levels.

Our latest briefing takes stock of the issues borrowers have faced and dealt with over the two months of lockdown and how debt financing arrangements might need to evolve as the COVID period enters its next phase.


This material is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice.

Practices Financing
Contact Information
Philip Snell
Partner at Slaughter and May
Matthew Tobin
Partner at Slaughter and May
Robert Byk
Partner at Slaughter and May
Kathrine Meloni
Special Adviser and Head of Treasury Insight at Slaughter and May